On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. Some Illinois residents who were following a divorce settlement case in New Jersey may be interested to learn that the father’s appeal has been declined by the appellate court. This decision affirms that of the original trial court, which ruled that the father in this case would be obligated to pay $112,500 for his daughter to attend Cornell Law School. According to the terms of the original divorce agreement he signed with the mother, both parents would beContinue reading
Tag Archives: dispute
Dealing with pets during divorce
On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Friday, March 7, 2014. Illinois couples who have decided to call it quits may anticipate a battle ahead regarding their marital home and retirement accounts. However, they may not be prepared to fight over their dog or cat. According to a recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 27 percent of family law professionals have reported an increase in cases involving pet disputes over the last five years. In some cases, the issue is who will have “custody” of theContinue reading
Dividing your assets at divorce with prenuptial agreements
On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Monday, August 12, 2013. Prenuptial agreements are an important part of the proceedings when there is a high asset divorce. Illinois residents who are preparing for marriage or divorce may be interested to know some things to look out for when preparing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement or attempting to negotiate property division at the dissolution of a marriage. A prenuptial agreement that is very old and without any postnuptial modifications or clarifications is liable to be challenged by theContinue reading
Fox legal analyst gives advice on prenuptial agreements
On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Friday, July 26, 2013. As of 2011, Chicago’s divorce rate stood at 7.4 percent for men and 10.2 percent for women. As a result, some residents interested in getting married in the near future — or perhaps those who have been married and are now considering divorce — may be interested in learning more about prenuptial agreements and how they influence family law matters in Illinois. A recent segment on “Fox & Friends” may provide them with valuable insight. While discussing theContinue reading
Gay or lesbian marriages ending in divorce
On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Family Law on Monday, July 22, 2013. For many same-sex couples, being able to enter the civil institution of marriage is a long-awaited blessing. The District of Columbia, in conjunction with 12 other states, has lifted the ban on same-sex marriages resulting in tens of thousands of people obtaining marriage licenses. The transition, however, isn’t always easy. The stigma associated with the traditional roles played in a conventional marriage often don’t apply to same-sex couples. Their relationships are frequently created based onContinue reading
Ways to simplify a divorce proceeding
On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Monday, June 3, 2013. Divorce can be a complicated process. Some Illinois residents may be interested to learn of a few ways that spouses contemplating divorce may be able to help make the process simpler. The first step is to set anger or hard feelings aside during the divorce proceedings. These cases tend to be emotional, but using anger or other negative emotions when negotiating may only make the process more stressful. When a dispute arises, some experts recommend reviewing the reasonContinue reading