Tag Archives: Divorce

How divorce affects financial aid

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Illinois residents might be confused about how divorce affects financial aid. Some parents might not know which parent should file the Free Application for Financial Aid, which is required for their children to get federal financial aid. The rules for seeking financial aid are different for children of divorced parents than it is for those of married parents. First of all, who the child lives with matters. The parent who fills out the FAFSA shouldContinue reading

The Affordable Care Act and divorce

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Friday, September 27, 2013. The Affordable Care Act may make it easier for couples in Illinois to decide whether to stay in their marriage or get divorced. Health insurance is often a major factor for adults over 50 years of age. The 115,000 women who lose their private health coverage due to divorce every year would not have to worry about their eligibility after divorce as a result of the ACA. Older women who are not employed or do notContinue reading

Parenting after divorce presents unique challenges

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. Divorced parents living in Chicago often discover that one of the most difficult aspects of managing their post-divorce life is finding successful ways to co-parent their children. While parenting can be a challenging endeavor under even the best of circumstances, parenting after a divorce requires former spouses to take extra steps so that they can avoid putting their children into situations where they feel insecure or unsafe. It is important for divorced parents to refrain from saying negativeContinue reading

Stocks may be sold in Illinois to help pay for divorce

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Friday, September 20, 2013. Is there ever a good time to sell major stocks? Individuals who are in the midst of an expensive divorce may want to consider doing so as did the CEO of Best Buy who sold over $10 million of his company’s stock to pay for divorce proceedings. Such large sales of major stocks often raise eyebrows because they could be signs of insider trading. The Best Buy CEO has been credited with turning around the electronics retailer. TheContinue reading

Financial planning can assuage common divorce fears

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Friday, September 6, 2013. Illinois residents weighing the prospect of divorce might harbor reservations about doing so because of fears that they have about what will happen after the process is over with. This is especially true for the spouse who is considered the “out spouse,” or the one who lacks a working relationship with a financial advisor or attorney and is not involved in household finances, including bill-paying and investments. The “in spouse,” on the other hand, has aContinue reading

Child custody, visitation two pieces of difficult divorce puzzle

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. Divorce is one legal area in Chicago that includes many other sub-specialties such as financial law, real estate, business law and more. A couple dissolving their marriage will need to think about all of these factors, as well as visitation and other issues related to any children whom they share. Courts take special interest in making sure that children in a divorce are kept as safe as possible during and after the legal process. For a custodialContinue reading

Mediation in Illinois useful in post-divorce scenarios

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Even when an initial legal split between a couple with children is amicable, unforeseen issues can arise months or years later that can complicate relations between ex-spouses and bring negative emotions to the forefront. One way to ease tensions from the outset is to use a neutral third party or mediator when going through the divorce process in Illinois. Emotional issues often come to the forefront during and after divorce. Instead of resorting to litigation to solve aContinue reading

DIY divorce plagued with problems

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Monday, August 19, 2013. People who attempt to save money by getting a divorce without a lawyer may be in for a rude awakening. Once a person files for a divorce pro se, the judge is unable to provide legal advice regarding the divorce. Additionally, Chicago spouses may be at a disadvantage if they do not have an attorney but their spouse does. Sites are popping up on the Internet that allow users to input information that allows them to prepareContinue reading

Methods to improve communication with your ex

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Thursday, August 15, 2013. Illinois couples who have gotten a divorce might be wondering why they still have to communicate with their ex. However, if they have children involved, then they might have to suffer through some sort of communication with their exes regardless of their emotions. According to Huffington Post, there are various ways that people can improve their communication with their exes after divorce. The first strategy that they can use is to simply regard their exes as strangers.Continue reading

Dividing your assets at divorce with prenuptial agreements

On behalf of The Walters Law Group, Ltd. posted in Divorce on Monday, August 12, 2013. Prenuptial agreements are an important part of the proceedings when there is a high asset divorce. Illinois residents who are preparing for marriage or divorce may be interested to know some things to look out for when preparing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement or attempting to negotiate property division at the dissolution of a marriage. A prenuptial agreement that is very old and without any postnuptial modifications or clarifications is liable to be challenged by theContinue reading